About the project

The project Urban Lab as a pilot tool to improve the quality of life of city residents in line with the smart city idea (2019-2021) is carried out at the Institute of Urban and Regional Development. The project focuses on the application of the urban lab tool and its pilot implementation in Polish cities. Our research is of a scientific and expert nature, and the topics undertaken in them are based, above all, on current knowledge and foreign experience.

The project is implemented in cooperation with the Ministry of Development Funds and Regional Policy and co-financed by the European Union under the Operational Program Technical Assistance 2014–2020, on the basis of the project co-financing agreement No. DPT / BDG-II / POPT / 18/19.

The aim of the project is primarily to support cities in the implementation of urban labs and to prepare recommendations for solutions that will increase the quality of life of their inhabitants. We hope that the content prepared in this way will be of benefit to all stakeholders of the cities, including in particular: public administration, scientists, NGOs, business representatives, and the residents themselves.

Simultaneously with the Project implemented at the Institute of Urban and Regional Development on the basis of the concept of urban labs developed within its framework, the Municipalities of Gdynia and the City of Rzeszów carry out a pilot implementation of this tool with the involvement of the Ministry of Development Funds and Regional Policy and with the substantive support and care of the Institute of Urban and Regional Development. These activities are regulated by separate agreements between the cities and the Ministry of Development Funds and Regional Policy.