Wpis opublikowany 17.06.2021r.
Serdecznie zapraszamy do wzięcia udziału w seminarium online: Urban Lab as an Innovative Tool for Urban and Metropolitan Cooperation – Practices and Challenges in the V4+ countries – 21 czerwca (poniedziałek) w godzinach 9:00-12:30 poprzez platformę Zoom. Wydarzenie organizowane jest w ramach projektu International Visegrad Fund pt. „Urban Lab Network in V4+ – the innovation tool for smart cities” (w ramach grantu Visegrad+) realizowanego przez Instytut Rozwoju Miast i Regionów wraz z partnerami.
Seminarium odbędzie się w języku angielskim poprzez platformę Zoom. Na wydarzenie obowiązuje bezpłatna rejestracja: https://app.evenea.pl/event/v4seminar. Link do dołączenia do wydarzenia na platformie Zoom zostanie przesłany w potwierdzeniu rejestracji.
Zachęcamy do dołączenia do wydarzenia na Facebooku oraz jego promocji.

Part I: Urban Labs as an Innovative Tool of Bottom-up Driven Urban Cooperation
9.00-9.15: Introduction
9:15-9:30: The Idea and Concept of Urban Labs
Magdalena Bień – Institute of Urban and Regional Development – Urban Lab project implementation
9:30-10:30: Sharing Urban Lab Experience
Magdalena Żółkiewicz – Coordinator of the City Incubator, Urban Lab Gdynia – Implementation experience in the context of developing participation and bottom-up initiatives
Konrad Fijołek – President of the city of Rzeszów – Urban Lab Rzeszów’s experience in implementing projects with residents
Bertil Bjork – Managing Director at STPLN (Malmo) – STPLN – a participatory take on Urban Lab
Wojciech Jarczewski, Ph.D. – Head of the Institute of Urban and Regional Development – short summary and a word about ULNet + discussion
10:30-10:45: Break
Part II: Urban and metropolitan cooperation in the V4 + countries in the context of developing bottom-up initiatives
10:45-11:15: Urban and metropolitan cooperation: issues and challenges
Ing. Petr Šašinka, Ph.D. – Head of the Department of the ITI Management and Metropolitan Cooperation, The City of Brno – Experience with metropolitan cooperation and planning in Brno Metropolitan Area
Ing. Petr Návrat, MSc. – Managing Partner (MRTPI) at ONplan lab, s.r.o. – Institutionalising bottom up creative urban innovation, oxymoron or the way forward?
11:15-12:00: Bottom-up initiatives in urban, neighborhood and metropolitan cooperation
Panel discussion:
Moderator: Prof. RNDr. Luděk Sýkora, Ph.D. – Charles University in Prague, Faculty of Science, Department of Social Geography and Regional Development
Mgr. František Kubeš, Ph.D. – Head of the Strategic Development and Cooperation Department, Brno City Hall
Michał Guć – vice president of Gdynia
Jacek Woźnikowski – Head of the Department of Socio-Economic Development and Cooperation, Metropolis GZM
Wojciech Jarczewski, Ph.D. – Head of the Institute of Urban and Regional Development
12:00-12:30: Summary and suggestions: initiatives, practices, achievements, challenges and further steps
Prof. RNDr. Luděk Sýkora, Ph.D. – Charles University in Prague, Faculty of Science, Department of Social Geography and Regional Development – summary
Bartosz Piziak, Ph.D. – Coordinator of the Urban Lab project, Institute of Urban and Regional Development – General summary of the V4+ Project (with reference to previous events)
Organising partners:
Charles University in Prague, Faculty of Science, Department of Social Geography and Regional Development, Praha, Czechia
Institute of Urban and Regional Development, Kraków, Poland